We would like to extend a warm invitation for you to join us at our Cyber Security Webinar.
Over the past few years, technology has become an increasingly integral part of business. Financial transactions, collaborative working across teams, collecting important data, and even email correspondence with clients and suppliers; we rely on technology to run our businesses effectively.
But what happens when that technology is threatened, or worse still compromised?
We all hear stories in the news of large firms who have fallen victim to cyber-crime, but no business is too small to be at risk of a cyber-attack. It happens to small and medium sized businesses too; we just don’t hear about it.
What can a cyber security breach mean for your business?
With so much of what we do dependent on technology, the impact can be quite severe, including:
Reputational damage;
Loss of business data; and
Financial costs.
When is the webinar?
Wednesday 6th April at 2pm
Why attend this webinar?
As a business owner or leader, it’s important that you are aware of cyber security risks and what can be done to mitigate your exposure. The Think IT team will walk you through:
Common mistakes people make, and how to avoid them;
The areas we think you need to be most concerned about, and weaknesses you can check for and address; and
Guidance on key areas of security, including passwords, ransomware, phishing, and data protection.
There will also be some recommendations and simple ways to improve security, as well as predictions around the main risks for the coming year or so.
How to book a place…
Follow the link here and book your FREE place via Eventbrite or email marketing@thinkit.co.uk