Ransomware attacks on UK schools and other organisations

The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) issued advice in March 2021, having already done so in 2020, about an increase in targeted ransomware attacks on the UK education sector. Attacks took place against schools, colleges and universities in the UK, including the Harris Federation, Castle School Education Trust and Newcastle University, and likely sought to […]
Is your pet’s name your password?

It was National Pet Day on 11 April 2021 (yes, it’s a thing). To celebrate, the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) has urged us not to use our pets’ names as our passwords, but to use three random words in what’s called a ‘passphrase’. The NCSC said in their ‘paws-word change’ article that 15% of […]
Insights: Ransomware Explained

This Think IT Insights article provides a definition and explanation of ransomware, what ransomware is, different types and examples of ransomware, the scale of the ransomware problem and how it spreads, how to protect yourself from and defend against ransomware, and what to do if you get infected.
Insights: Creating and Managing Good Passwords

This Think IT Insights article provides information about what passwords are, the dos and don’ts of passwords and how to create or choose a strong password, and the ways in which passwords are discovered by attackers.
Insights: The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC)

This Think IT Insights article explains what the NCSC is, what it does, and provides links to some of the most useful advice and resources the NCSC have produced.